Pinterest enhances its guided search for superior results


Pinterest has seen a good bit of success with its guided search feature over the last year — with search up some 30 percent — but there’s always room for improvement. Pinterest today launched five improvements to add more snap to your search.

New typeahead functionality: Search results used to be segmented behind filters, but with the new system, faster typeahead results will show up for pinners and boards as you type.

New search typeahead

New filters: A filter button now refines your search by all pins, your pins, pinners and boards.

New search filter

Autocorrect: Don’t slow down the action with typos — Pinterest says about 12 percent of searches contain spelling mistakes. Now, Pinterest shows you what it thinks you’re looking for, even if you’re not sure about the spelling.

Trending searches: In addition to you recent searches, Pinterest will also show you top trending searches as well. May come in handy.

New trending on PinterestVerified accounts: Interested in following certain people (celebrities, public figures) or brands (retailers, media outlets)? Look for a check mark next to their name when you search.

New verified accounts

Pinterest says it’s seeing some positive results with these search enhancements. Research indicates more than twice as many people are finding more boards and pinners to follow with these enhancements. Plus, pinners are more than 50 percent more likely to repin or click through a pin with the new autocorrect feature.

➤ Pinterest search just got smarter

Read next: PicJoy for iPhone auto tags your photos for swifter searching

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