Remember Ello? It has an iPhone app now


Remember Ello, the social network that everyone wanted an invite for, but ultimately ended up signing into once? It just got an iPhone app.

Yes, the attractively designed, ad-free service be accessed on your phone so you can post on the go, find new people to follow and get notifications about new interactions.

I hadn’t signed into Ello for a long time, but the iPhone app spurred me to at least try it again. It’s well designed, is easy to use and finally offers a way to access it where you’d actually want to: on the go.

Ello still seems fairly active, despite the initial buzz blowing over. Perhaps if it had launched with an iPhone app on day one it might have fared slightly better — I’m going to give it another shot by leaving it installed.

Ello [iOS App Store]

Read Next: Everything you need to know about Ello, the latest trendy social network

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